Friday, May 24, 2013

Here I go...

I've always had this desire to write.  I am much less socially awkward behind a computer screen. This is my way to get down my thoughts on everyday life as well as document my family's "goings-on's" (not sure that is a word, but whatever).  We may have created a house hold of super scheduled kids (notice I did not use the phrase "over scheduled") but I think we thrive on being busy, we are bad at being bored.  If you'd like to know what's up with thebradfordfive I'll try and update this blog often.  That's my goal, atleast :)


  1. Yah yah yah!!! WELCOME BACK TO BLOGGING!! Where's your old blog?

    1. You know what's funny Kayla?? I can't find it! I swear it was called thebradfordfive also! Ugh.. I think I need to come over today and you give me a blogging lesson. I feel so perplexed.
      Also I put the link to your blog on my page.

    2. I meant come over someday not today. I type faster than I think, that could be bad :)

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