Friday, May 24, 2013

Lucky girl..

When I look at my daughter I often think "lucky girl.."  She has no idea how lucky.  In so many ways she reminds me of myself and I get to see what it would be like to grow up in a home where we fret about what to make for dinner or what movie to rent... and that's about it.  A place where her ambitions are encouraged and her opportunities endless.  As a kid I day dreamed of a life that much resembles my daughters.  I would fantasize about being able to sign up for whatever new thing was on a flyer in my back pack.  Ayva lives in an existence that is wide-eyed and wondrous and I can't even express how grateful I am for that.  This year she picked up the clarinet (she already plays piano) and last night she had her band concert.  Like me she can't here a beat without boppin' to it, even elementary school band music. 


  1. So fun! I didn't know she was playing clarinet this year! She is so cool. :)

  2. Awesome! That was my instrument too :)
